Mirae Asset MF Great Consumer Fund 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Invesco India Credit Risk Reg Discretionary IDCW

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 1833.3844
24-02-2025 1832.897
21-02-2025 1831.7549
20-02-2025 1831.3845
18-02-2025 1831.3594
17-02-2025 1830.6589
14-02-2025 1829.6574
13-02-2025 1829.212
12-02-2025 1829.6004
11-02-2025 1829.4814
10-02-2025 1828.6746
07-02-2025 1828.5506
06-02-2025 1830.2896
05-02-2025 1829.5619
04-02-2025 1828.5505
03-02-2025 1828.4256
31-01-2025 1826.6837
30-01-2025 1827.0343
29-01-2025 1826.7298
28-01-2025 1826.6578
27-01-2025 1826.6157
24-01-2025 1824.0964
23-01-2025 1822.8544
22-01-2025 1822.9383
21-01-2025 1821.8388
20-01-2025 1820.5867
17-01-2025 1818.848
16-01-2025 1819.3276
15-01-2025 1816.0662
14-01-2025 1814.6154
13-01-2025 1814.0579
10-01-2025 1817.6247
09-01-2025 1817.1874
08-01-2025 1817.1849
07-01-2025 1817.7725
06-01-2025 1816.9354
03-01-2025 1815.3618
02-01-2025 1814.679
01-01-2025 1814.4821
31-12-2024 1815.2491
30-12-2024 1813.6011
27-12-2024 1812.1801
26-12-2024 1812.3086
24-12-2024 1812.4311
23-12-2024 1812.4612
20-12-2024 1811.2021
19-12-2024 1811.2662
18-12-2024 1812.9647
17-12-2024 1812.2538
16-12-2024 1812.8663
13-12-2024 1811.9214
12-12-2024 1811.2302
11-12-2024 1811.6186
10-12-2024 1811.8704
09-12-2024 1811.2486
06-12-2024 1808.895
05-12-2024 1811.579
04-12-2024 1811.2594
03-12-2024 1809.5749
02-12-2024 1809.3476
29-11-2024 1806.2771
28-11-2024 1803.4955
27-11-2024 1803.0751
26-11-2024 1802.2488
25-11-2024 1802.2149
22-11-2024 1800.1282
21-11-2024 1800.4728
19-11-2024 1800.7343
18-11-2024 1799.9453
14-11-2024 1798.375
13-11-2024 1799.8002
12-11-2024 1800.0475
11-11-2024 1800.1994
08-11-2024 1799.4384
07-11-2024 1798.5702
06-11-2024 1798.3071
05-11-2024 1798.2224
04-11-2024 1797.8447
31-10-2024 1796.712
30-10-2024 1797.2346
29-10-2024 1796.0449
28-10-2024 1794.4862
25-10-2024 1794.6817
24-10-2024 1795.4919
23-10-2024 1795.1417
22-10-2024 1794.0698
21-10-2024 1793.6544
18-10-2024 1794.0304
17-10-2024 1795.0864
16-10-2024 1795.3316
15-10-2024 1795.6047
14-10-2024 1794.6745
11-10-2024 1793.4384
10-10-2024 1793.54
09-10-2024 1793.7125
08-10-2024 1791.1467
07-10-2024 1789.0025
04-10-2024 1788.9108
03-10-2024 1791.7852
01-10-2024 1793.4325
30-09-2024 1791.7649
27-09-2024 1790.3029
26-09-2024 1791.8312
25-09-2024 1790.1217
24-09-2024 1788.5621
23-09-2024 1788.0241
20-09-2024 1787.2624
19-09-2024 1787.2386
17-09-2024 1785.3687
16-09-2024 1786.0566
13-09-2024 1783.5218
12-09-2024 1782.3676
11-09-2024 1781.1995
10-09-2024 1779.5269
09-09-2024 1778.7899
06-09-2024 1777.85
05-09-2024 1777.6986
04-09-2024 1777.5429
03-09-2024 1776.8451
02-09-2024 1776.5052
30-08-2024 1776.1559
29-08-2024 1776.1628
28-08-2024 1775.9846
27-08-2024 1775.6628
26-08-2024 1775.953
23-08-2024 1774.5847
22-08-2024 1774.5905
21-08-2024 1774.2314
20-08-2024 1774.1441
19-08-2024 1773.3814
16-08-2024 1772.1332
14-08-2024 1772.0128
13-08-2024 1770.7319
12-08-2024 1770.5008
09-08-2024 1769.688
08-08-2024 1769.3006
07-08-2024 1769.4761
06-08-2024 1768.7731
05-08-2024 1768.7413
02-08-2024 1766.6523
01-08-2024 1765.8447
31-07-2024 1765.2448
30-07-2024 1764.7528
29-07-2024 1765.3428
26-07-2024 1763.9601
25-07-2024 1763.0235
24-07-2024 1761.951
23-07-2024 1761.2522
22-07-2024 1760.8765
19-07-2024 1760.0939
18-07-2024 1759.7354
16-07-2024 1759.0736
15-07-2024 1758.079
12-07-2024 1756.8995
11-07-2024 1756.8004
10-07-2024 1756.6696
09-07-2024 1755.9409
08-07-2024 1755.5933
05-07-2024 1754.5279
04-07-2024 1754.249
03-07-2024 1753.951
02-07-2024 1753.2831
01-07-2024 1752.6387
28-06-2024 1751.8535
27-06-2024 1751.5661
26-06-2024 1751.3551
25-06-2024 1751.5367
24-06-2024 1751.6919
21-06-2024 1750.7757
20-06-2024 1750.0938
19-06-2024 1749.7387
18-06-2024 1749.0825
14-06-2024 1747.9069
13-06-2024 1747.6228
12-06-2024 1746.4937
11-06-2024 1746.1225
10-06-2024 1745.3336
07-06-2024 1744.8304
06-06-2024 1744.5276
05-06-2024 1743.42
04-06-2024 1742.3147
03-06-2024 1745.6853
31-05-2024 1743.3617
30-05-2024 1742.752
29-05-2024 1742.2874
28-05-2024 1742.4445
27-05-2024 1742.74
24-05-2024 1741.6514
22-05-2024 1740.8426
21-05-2024 1739.3072
17-05-2024 1737.4388
16-05-2024 1737.7833
15-05-2024 1737.0547
14-05-2024 1736.0098
13-05-2024 1735.3152
10-05-2024 1734.162
09-05-2024 1733.4147
08-05-2024 1732.9587
07-05-2024 1733.0477
06-05-2024 1733.3889
03-05-2024 1731.0604
02-05-2024 1730.153
30-04-2024 1728.3104
29-04-2024 1728.2478
26-04-2024 1727.3225
25-04-2024 1726.7841
24-04-2024 1727.1334
23-04-2024 1727.5829
22-04-2024 1726.3243
19-04-2024 1724.3055
18-04-2024 1725.7052
16-04-2024 1724.751
15-04-2024 1725.2489
12-04-2024 1724.167
10-04-2024 1726.0964
08-04-2024 1723.9685
05-04-2024 1724.6222
04-04-2024 1724.93
03-04-2024 1724.167
02-04-2024 1723.7438
31-03-2024 1724.8524
28-03-2024 1724.1157
27-03-2024 1721.8829
26-03-2024 1720.9061

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